Regrowing your hair isn’t something that most would consider easy. If you get the over the counter drugs then you have to apply them twice a day and they only work as long as you’re using them.
Meanwhile, hair treatment centers and prescription stuff only works in a small percentage of the people that use them.
Luckily there are some natural remedies that can slow down, or even stop your hair loss. Here are a couple that I’ve seen improvement with:
Nettle Root
Nettle root is the root of stinging nettle, a plant that likes to grow near water than hurts a lot when you touch the leaves. While the top of the plant is unpleasant, taking supplements made from the root can actually stop hair loss, and in some cases, even regrow hair!
It works by inhibiting the production of DHT, a product of testosterone which accumulates in your scalp and effectively chokes out your hair follicles. I got mine from Now Foods and, while it took a couple of weeks to kick in, it’s brought my hair loss to almost zero. This one, I think, is the most effective treatment, but in case you want other options… Continue reading How To: Regrow Your Hair Naturally