Hair loss is a sad thing that many men will have to deal with in their lifetime. Some of us get to start dealing with it when we’re 24, some when we’re 40, but one way or the other, that hair is going to go away. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.
Drugs can work, but sometimes they’ll interfere with other things you need to take, or other times they won’t work at all. Luckily there are some natural remedies for hair loss that will slow the process, and possibly stop it altogether.
Supplements to Use
There are a variety of supplements that you can take to help hold on to your hair. Two of the popular ones are saw palmetto and primrose oil.
The former can help promote hair growth by keeping testosterone from converting into DHT, a natural chemical that can inhibit your hair. The drug Propecia does more or less the same thing. Primrose oil can help your hair in a similar way.
Taking supplements isn’t an immediate solution; it took about 7 weeks before I saw a noticeable difference in my balding patch, but it made my hair nicer looking and kept me from losing it so fast.
Change Your Diet
Another way to help prevent losing your hair is to make some changes to your diet. The name of the game is omega-3 fatty acids, which you can find in fish like salmon, herring, or mackerel.
Alternatively, you can go for ground flax seeds, or even walnuts.
Personally, I like using ground flax seeds because they’re really easy to slip into foods that you’re already eating. If you sprinkle a tablespoon over your morning cereal or oatmeal then you can barely tell that they’re there, and adding them to a salad gives it a little something extra. Alternatively, adding them to yoghurt is amazing. I’ve heard of people baking with ground flax seed as well, but I haven’t given it a shot yet.
So, by adding more omega-3 to your diet you can help your hair get stronger, and even slow the loss of it.
Be Gentle
A really often overlooked method of holding on to your hair is to be gentle with it. That means avoid putting it in styles that pull or stress it a lot, and to let it air dry as much as possible.
Also, you don’t need to use shampoo every day. You know how your shampoo makes your hair shiny and gives it more body? Yeah, well, so does the oil that your scalp makes. Ideally, you should be washing your hair 2 to 3 times per week. And for the love of Pete, use conditioner.
Those are some easy, natural ways remedies that can slow down or even stop hair loss. Some small change to your diet, an additional supplement or two, and being nicer to your hair will all make it last longer and look better. Sure, you might still lose a little bit, but until they invent a cure for baldness, then we’re kind of stuck with these alternatives.