Losing hair is something that we do naturally. Sometimes our bodies need to shed old hair to make room for the new stuff, but for many of us, it can be a little excessive.
I’ve been dealing with losing my hair for a couple of years now, but I’ve been fighting it tooth and nail. Along the way I’ve discovered a few different remedies for hair fall that are fairly convenient and don’t involve hair plugs or some drug with a 25% success rate.
Saw Palmetto
The first thing I started taking, and one of the most effective, was saw palmetto. It’s used to treat enlarged prostates, but it can also prevent your body from converting testosterone into DHT, a chemical that not only enlarges the prostate, but can make your hair up and leave.
In fact, legend has it that Native Americans ate it to help hold on to their hair. I go for the Now Foods brand because they deliver great quality and they don’t charge a bundle.
Nettle Root
If you’ve ever been on a guided nature hike then you’ve probably heard of stinging nettle. This nasty little plant likes to grow near rivers and hurts a lot. It can do some good though. Taking nettle root has, in some cases, been proven to reduce hair loss, and even stop it all together! Again, Now Foods makes the best one, in my opinion.
I haven’t been taking this stuff for long, but it has produced some noticeable results.
Scalp Massage
One great, free way to help prevent hair fall is to massage your scalp. Hair needs nutrients in order to survive, and it’ll fall out if it doesn’t get any. Those nutrients are carried by blood through your scalp.
By massaging your scalp, you stimulate blood flow up there, so your hair can get the nutrients that it needs.
If you want to get serious about the scalp massage you can use warm oil as well. Olive, safflower, or even canola oil can work.
Just remember that the operative word is warm. Take it from me, you don’t want to massage hot oil into your scalp. Anyway, all you do is heat up the oil, rub it in, let it sit there for about an hour, and then rinse it out. It’ll help more blood get to your hair, and the oil will make your hair look fabulous.
Reduce Stress
A lot of the time, hair fall can be caused by stress. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress levels, which can help ebb the flow of hair from your head. It can also restore the balance of hormones in your body, which also play a part in whether or not you get to keep your hair. You can also do yoga, or have relaxing, caffeine-free tea to help out with the relaxation process.
Preventing hair fall is easy. A little stress reduction and a couple of supplements can all but eliminate your hair loss.